Black Elk značenje | engleski leksikon

Black Elk značenje | engleski leksikon

Black Elk

muški rodlično ime
IPA: / ˈblæk ˈelk /

Native American religious leader, born into the Oglala Lakota people. He tried to find ways of reconciling indigenous traditions with Christianity and the new reality of white dominance. Although he continued his calling as a shaman, he converted to Christianity 1886.
At the
age of 17, Black Elk had a vision of the Lakota people rising up and freeing their lands from the white settlers. In order to understand more about this invading culture, he joined Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show and toured the US and Europe. When he returned home, he witnessed the disaster of the Ghost Dance movement, which swept through Native American communities in the late 1800s and taught that they would be made invincible and throw out the white settlers. The movement was crushed at Wounded Knee 1890. This seems to have led Black Elk to question his call and he converted to Catholicism 1904.

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Reč dana 19.09.2024.

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